NASCAR® Racing Troubleshooting Guide

This information is relevant to all versions of the game.

Categories: Video Audio Game Controls Cabinet Linking Miscellaneous Error Messages

Video Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
No picture
Corrupted picture on monitor You hear the audio
Power problem Check the Power On LED on the monitor power supply. Make sure the power cord is connected to the power strip and the power strip is on.
Loose or faulty video cable Verify that the video cable is firmly connected from the monitor to the video card in the computer. While the monitor is powered ON, disconnect the video cable. You should briefly see a message on-screen saying No Input Signal if the monitor is working. Check the video cable and make sure it is not pinched or frayed. Connect the cable to a different monitor to verify video output.
Loose or faulty connections between LCD Panel and Control PCB Make sure that all harnesses between the control PCB and LCD panel are connected properly. Check the DVI video cable and power connection.
Make sure the LCD Control PCB connector is properly connected and not cracked or broken.
If you hear Alert beeps from the System PC, contact Technical Support for assistance.
Loose or faulty video card When the computer boots up, it performs a PC self-diagnostic test. If you hear 3 beeps from the computer, this indicates a problem with the video card. If the video card is faulty, contact Technical Support.
If instructed by Technical Support, open the computer and check the following:
Make sure the video card is seated properly in the motherboard. Reseat the video card.
Check the power connector to the video card inside the computer. Make sure it is connected properly and is not connected backwards.
Power on the computer and make sure the fan on the video card is spinning fast.
No video and no audio

Note:  It takes about 3 minutes to boot and start the game.      
BIOS setting has changed If the computer does not power on, make sure the On/Off switch on the back of the computer is in the On (I) position and After Power Failure in the BIOS is set to Power On (See Hardware Reference page for BIOS Settings).
No power to computer Verify the computer is ON by the LED on the front of the computer. Verify the line voltage switch on the back of the computer is set to 115V. Make sure the AC power cord is firmly connected to the computer and the power strip, and the power strip LED is on. Turn off the power strip, wait 20 seconds, and then turn it back on to reboot the computer.
If you have checked all power connections, and the fan in the computer power supply does not come on, the computer power supply may be bad.
Corrupted software
Faulty hard drive
Reload the software from the CDs. If you continue to have problems, you may have a faulty hard drive. Contact Technical Support.
Picture is dim or faded Gamma and/or Vibrance needs adjustment Adjust the monitor Gamma and/or Vibrance setting from the Operator Menu Diagnostics screens. If this does not give adequate results, increase brightness using the monitor remote control board mounted to the back of the monitor.
Red or green horizontal lines on monitor Faulty LCD control PCB Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Audio Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
No audio Volume set too low Use the VOL UP button on the Operator Button Panel to raise the volume. Check audio settings in the Operator Menu Machine Settings: Settings menu, and verify that the Master Volume is set high enough. Verify the volume pots are not turned all the way down on the Audio Amp PCB.
Faulty wiring Turn off the game. Verify that all the wires are firmly connected to the speakers and Audio Amp PCB. Verify that each wire is connected to the correct port. Verify that no wires are frayed or improperly shorting to ground.
Blown speakers Remove the grills and inspect each speaker for visible damage. Run Diagnostics: Sound Test from the Operator Menu to verify each speaker is working.
Faulty audio amp PCB To verify audio is working at the computer, connect stereo headphones to each computer audio port. Test the Audio Amp PCB in another cabinet.
Poor sound from one or more speakers Blown speakers Remove the grills and inspect each speaker for visible damage. Run Diagnostics: Sound Test from the Operator Menu to verify each speaker is working.
Reversed wires A weak or low muffled sound is a sign of reversed speaker wires. Check for reversed wires on each speaker.
Faulty audio amp PCB To verify audio is working at the computer, connect stereo headphones to each computer audio port. Test the Audio Amp PCB in another working cabinet.
Faulty wiring Turn off the game. Verify that all the wires are firmly connected to the speakers and Audio Amp PCB. Verify that each wire is connected to the correct port. Verify that no wires are frayed or improperly shorting to ground.
Audio hum Fault in AC Wiring A constant low hum in the speakers can be caused by a ground loop, or reversed AC line and neutral wires to a component such as a power supply.

Control Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Buttons do not work Faulty micro switch Replace the micro switch on the button and re-test.
Faulty wiring Disconnect the cabinet from AC power. Verify that all wires are firmly connected to each button and the GVRI/O Mini PCB. Verify that the wires are connected to the correct spades on the button micro switch. Verify that no wires are frayed or improperly shorting to ground.
Check for broken wires at cable-tie points.
Faulty GVRI/O Mini PCB Make sure that all connections to the PCB are firm. Replace PCB if faulty.
Buttons and Pedals do not work GVRI/O Mini PCB jumpered incorrectly Make sure jumpers are installed in positions 1 & 3 of J5–Mode Select on the GVRI/O Mini PCB.
Steering pulls to one side Faulty Force-Feedback PCB Verify that the force-feedback PCB is getting +24 VDC power.  Test the PCB in a working cabinet.
Faulty motor Test the steering motor in a working cabinet.
Faulty 24 VDC power supply Use a volt meter to verify that the force-feedback power supply is putting out +24 VDC.
Pot wires reversed Check the wires between the steering pot and Force Feedback PCB.
Sloppy or poor steering Poor calibration Calibrate the steering from Diagnostics: Play Control Test in the Operator Menu.
Faulty 5 KΩ steering pot Test calibration from Diagnostics: Play Control Test in the Operator Menu. Replace pot if faulty.
Loose set screw Check the set screws in the steering assembly.
Loose shaft nut Tighten the 3/4" shaft nut shown in Figure 20.
Loose or worn drive belt Turn off the cabinet. Open the driving control panel and check the belt on the steering motor. Also check for loose or worn gears.
Faulty Force-Feedback PCB Verify that the PCB is getting +24 VDC power. Test the PCB in a working cabinet. Calibrate the steering from Diagnostics: Play Control Test in the Operator Menu.
Steering does not auto-calibrate Faulty USB cable or PCI USB card Test by connecting to a motherboard USB port. You may need to reboot twice for Windows to find the device. Also try a new USB cable. After testing, re-connect to a PCI USB port to minimize the risk of intermittent steering loss due to static shock (again, reboot twice).
Faulty Force-Feedback PCB Verify that the PCB is getting +24 VDC power. Test the PCB in a working cabinet.
Steering wheel shakes Faulty 5 KΩ steering pot Test pot for smooth resistance. If you replace the pot, be sure to calibrate it from Diagnostics:  Play Control Test in the Operator Menu.
Steering stops working (Intermittent) Force-Feedback PCB connected to wrong USB port To minimize the risk static shock, the force-feedback PCB should be connected to a PCI USB port, not to a motherboard USB port. Static shock can cause intermittent steering feedback failure.
No force-feedback in the steering Belt is broken Replace belt.
Motor gear is worn Inspect the motor gear and replace if worn.
Faulty motor Test the steering motor in a working cabinet.
Faulty 24 VDC power supply Use a voltmeter to verify that the power supply is putting out +24 VDC.
Steering motor not properly grounded Make sure the steering motor frame is properly grounded to help minimize the risk of static shock.
Faulty Force-Feedback PCB Verify that the PCB is getting +24 VDC power. Test the PCB in a working cabinet.
Force-Feedback PCB connected to wrong USB port To minimize the risk static shock, the force-feedback PCB should be connected to a PCI USB port, not to a motherboard USB port. Static shock can cause intermittent steering feedback failure.
Shifter does not work in one gear Faulty micro switch Replace the faulty micro switch.
Pinched wire Make sure wires are not pinched by the shifter housing.
Shifter goes into wrong gear Wires are switched or pinched Make sure all wires are connected to correct micro switches and are not pinched by the shifter housing.
Shifter does not work Faulty GVRI/O Mini PCB Check wiring between the shifter and GVRI/O Mini PCB. Replace PCB if faulty.
Gas or brake does not work properly Pot is out of calibration Calibrate the pedals from Diagnostics:  Play Control Test in the Operator Menu. If you replace a pot or the computer, always recalibrate the pedals. (Pedals do not auto-calibrate when you reboot the game.)
Faulty 5 KΩ pot Test the pot for smooth resistance. If you replace the pot, be sure to calibrate the pedals from Diagnostics:  Play Control Test in the Operator Menu.
Loose set screw A loose set screw can cause the pedal to work only on a partial range of its motion. Tighten the set screw.
Feels like brake is always on during game Dead spot in the brake pot Test the brake pot and replace if bad.

Cabinet Linking Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Cabinet will not link Faulty wiring Verify that a CAT-5 or better Ethernet cable is connected between the Ethernet port on the AC Power Plate and the computer. While the cabinet is powered on and connected to another cabinet, verify the green LED on the Ethernet card is lit. If you are using an Ethernet hub or switch, verify green LEDs on the hub or switch light for each Ethernet port that is connected. Note: CAT-5 cables have 8 wires.
Incompatible coupler used Do not use a crossover coupler to link this game.
Cabinet does not link in software Duplicate Link ID numbers A cabinet with a duplicate Link ID number will display the Select A Link ID menu. You can also check or change the Link ID from the Operator menu Machine Settings: Settings screen. Each cabinet in a linked group must have a unique Link ID number.
Faulty Ethernet hub or switch Verify the LEDs on the Ethernet hub or switch are lit for each port used. If possible, verify the hub or switch is working by connecting it to a known working computer network or set of linked cabinets.
Hub or switch is not 10/100/1000 Mbps Use a 10/100/1000 Mbps (Gigabit) hub or switch to link more than two cabinets.
Mixed Software Comm Versions Verify that all cabinets are running the same Comm Version. (Shown in Machine Settings: Info screen.)
Cabinet Mismatch Game and Cabinet settings must be the same on all linked cabinets.

Miscellaneous Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
No power Power strip not plugged in or turned off Make sure the power strip ON/OFF switch is ON, and the light on the power strip is on. If the light is off, make sure the connections to the AC power plate and power transformer terminals are secure.
Cabinet not connected or turned off Make sure the AC power cord is firmly connected to the power plate and an active AC outlet, and the cabinet ON/OFF switch is ON.
Game Dongle not found by system computer Game Dongle not connected Make sure the Game Dongle is securely connected. Power the cabinet off and then on.
Software loaded without Dongle The Game Dongle must be connected when you load software on the System PC. Power off the game, connect the dongle, and then reload the software.
Faulty Game Dongle Make sure the dongle is connected properly. It will light-up red when recognized by the computer.) Contact Tech Support to exchange a faulty dongle.
Faulty USB port Test the dongle in a PCI USB port. (Caution: Turn off power before connecting or disconnecting a dongle.)
Cabinet gets very warm Faulty ventilation fan Verify that the ventilation fan is working. It is located above the monitor access door on the back of the cabinet. Replace the fan if it is worn or spinning slowly.
Cabinet ventilation holes are blocked Make sure you have proper clearance between the cabinet rear and the wall. Make sure the vent holes are clear of dust and debris and that air is freely blowing out of the cabinet.
Marquee lamp does not light or is intermittent Faulty florescent tube Check the florescent tube for darkened or cracked end. Replace the florescent tube if it looks worn.
Faulty florescent fixture Verify the florescent tube pins make a good connection with the lamp fixture. Check the ballast for proper operation. Replace fixture if faulty.
Wrong Date or Time in Menus Set date or time needs to be set Refer to Setting the Date and Time in your System Manual.
Game will not accept coins Faulty coin mech Verify the coin mech is not jammed and is properly aligned and latched to the coin door.
Faulty ground wire Check the ground wire to the coin door.
Wrong number of credits shown Incorrect setting Adjust settings from the Operator Menu.
Faulty wiring Disconnect cabinet power cord. Check all coin mech wiring. Verify no wires are frayed or shorting to ground.
Optional DBA not working Incorrect dipswitch setting Set dipswitches for Long Pulse or Gaming (not Short Pulse or Vending).
Some tracks and drivers missing Tracks or drivers are disabled Check the Disable Tracks and Disable Drivers screens in the Operator Menu.

Error Message Screens

The messages below may appear at boot if the software detects a hardware problem.

Boot Error Message Explanation and Solution
Dongle Missing or Invalid Make sure the USB Game Dongle is firmly connected.
Invalid Dongle: Incorrect Game Version Dongle does not match game version. If you upgrade the software, be sure you connect the corresponding Game Dongle.
There is a CD in the Drive Eject the CD from the drive. Press the START button to continue to boot the game.
Error Detected with GVRIO Board The GVRI/O Mini PCB is either disconnected or malfunctioning, or the USB port or cable is faulty. Check all connections to the PCB. Test in a different USB port and with a different USB cable. Replace the PCB if faulty.
Make sure jumpers are installed in positions 1 & 3 of J5—Mode Select.
Incorrect GVRIO Board The screen will display the revision numbers of the GVRI/O Mini PCB installed, and the one required. Contact your distributor to order the correct GVRI/O Mini PCB.
Duplicate Link ID  Please Select a New Link ID The cabinet has the same Link ID as another cabinet. Turn the steering wheel to select a different Link ID from the numbers displayed. Numbers displayed in gray are available. Turn the wheel to select an ID and press the START button. Remember to number your cabinets in sequence from left to right.
Steering Auto Calibration failed. Please turn the wheel all he way to the left and all the way to the right The software detected a problem with steering. Once you turn the wheel, the software will determine whether the problem is with the steering pot or the force-feedback. If the problem is with the force feedback, you will be given the option to start the system without force feedback. If the steering pot is not working, the game cannot be started.
Attract Mode Error Messages Explanation and Solution
A Red Dot appears in the lower right corner of the Attract Screen Indicates hardware error, usually with a button, gas or brake pot, or steering. Explanation is displayed on Machine Settings: Info screen in Operator Menu.
A Blue Dot appears in the lower right corner of the Attract Screen Indicates Cabinet Mismatch error in linked cabinets. Explanation is displayed on Machine Settings: Info screen. The following conditions will cause a Blue Dot error message:
- Winner Gets Free Game not set the same on all cabinets
- Free Game Min Players not set the same on all cabinets
- Race Length not set the same on all cabinets
- Duplicate Cabinet Link ID
- Different Software Comm Version on one or more cabinets
- Different Tracks Disabled
- Different Region (Set by Game Dongle)