Key BIOS (CMOS) Settings
For Games with a Gigabyte GA-945GM-S2 Motherboard

This page shows how to set the key BIOS settings for games with a Gigabyte GA-945GM-S2 Motherboard.

Click here for detailed instructions on using the CMOS Setup Utility to set the BIOS.

  1. Press the Del key during boot to enter the CMOS Setup Utility.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Load Optimized Defaults.
  3. Press Y and Enter when promped to save the changes.
  4. Set the settings shown in the table below.
  5. When finished, press F10. Type Y at the Save to CMOS and EXIT prompt, and press Enter.
Menu Item Setting
Standard CMOS Features Drive A None
Halt On No Errors
Advanced BIOS Features Hard Disk Boot Priority WDC-WD400BB-xxxxxx
(Exact name will vary.)
First Boot Device CDROM
Second Boot Device Hard Disk
Third Boot Device Disabled
Integrated Peripherals USB Keyboard Support Enabled
USB Mouse Support Enabled
Power Management Setup AC Back Function Full On
PC Health Status CPU Smart FAN Control Disabled